Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I found a refuge today in an unexpected place. I'd been running around dropping off resumes, trying to keep on going, trying to carve a life and career in a city that takes no prisoners. It's been a cycle lately of resumes resumes resumes, just hoping someone will actually read one and see what I can do. Passing a tall brick wall I came to an open gateway and on impulse I turned in.

Beautiful. Like a secret garden, a little oasis in the city. Tangled vines and flowers, tall guardian trees shading those who had come to find peace. I sat for five minutes, then five more, my book in my lap, just staring at those vines. Ten minutes is all I can sit - I haven't discovered stillness yet. I'm a girl who has the tv on with a computer on my lap, a book on the table next to me, constantly changing channels, always refreshing my browser. I am still learning how to dive into a pool of peacefulness and let it engulf me. Still learning how to quiet my mind. But I was able to find that quiet for ten minutes in the middle of my day.

I walked around the garden then, admired the wild order of it. I went into the little thrift shop next door, curious to see if the same spirit lived there as in the garden. It did, and some cute clothes and shoes also lived there, for when I have more money to spend. Then I dropped off one more resume and came home. If those hours of walking and dropping off papers today come to nothing, it's ok. My payment, if it can be called that, for today's work is finding that little garden right when I needed it.


  1. "If those hours of walking and dropping off papers today come to nothing, it's ok. My payment, if it can be called that, for today's work is finding that little garden right when I needed it."


  2. thanks :-). Things like this are why I need to take more time to explore NYC.
