I'm compiling a little list here, for all our enjoyment, of the angry Craigslist job seekers who not only do not want to apply for certain low paying jobs, but need to trumpet their indignation at the fact that the posters even dared ask ANYONE to work for so little. How dare they?? I love reading these post responses, so I thought maybe others would too.
Here are some I found just today :
In response to this :
Date: 2009-10-12, 1:42PM EDT
Reply to: gigs-k9wcv-1417868110@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
I am a graduate student, doing a study on the impact of design on the education of students. Working directly with students, need someone to film every Wednesday from 4:30-6 pm. You will have to complete background check for the organization that I work for. This is unpaid but could be published by the American Architectural Foundation. I do not have a camera but may be able to rent one from my university.
Location: Clinton Hill
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Compensation: no pay
Was this:
You need someone to dedicate every wednesday from 4:30-6pm to shoot your unpaid project? LOL
good luck finding someone, loser.
It is short and to the point. He both wishes him luck and politely expresses his opinion of the poster at the same time. Succinct.
Then there was this post:
Experienced Director/DP Needed
Date: 2009-10-12, 11:47AM EDT
Reply to: EDITED [Errors when replying to ads?]
We are a start-up Christian Media Company looking to produce a docu-series about 5 urban Christians living their life in faith. This is a small, low budget project and will take place November 1-December 12th, excluding the Thanksgiving holiday week (November 22-28). It is a 5 week commitment with filming averaging about 7 hours per week/ 35 hours total. We are looking for experienced directors who DP, have their own equipment (camera,light kits, microphones, etc) and who are confident in shooting documentary/reality style.
For more information please contact us directly at EDITED.
Thank you!
The response (by the same indignant poster?) is :
There's a reason you've posted this ad several times now: your compensation is $350 for 5 weeks!!!!!!! Are you nuts?!
So that's why you're not getting any responses.
Captain Obvious.
At least we know who he is now. Although with a name like Captain Obvious it's no wonder he prefers to post anonymously. In fairness to the original posters, it is like only 7 hours each week, not a regular work week like Mr. Obvious seems to be indicating. In fairness to all of us freelancers, if you want someone with their own equipment to volunteer to work with you a day a week, you're going to have to pay at least double what you're paying. At least.
There are many more gems like this, though they get removed pretty quickly. When I am job hunting on Craigslist I enjoy reading these responses, which sometimes say what I wish I was energetic enough to. Generally, I just back click and move on from ridiculous job posts that ask far too much for too little. There are many projects worth working on for little or nothing. I've worked on some of them, and was happy for the experience. But there are many (driving a large van around and hauling equipment for your student film/small business commercial/random other thing that no one will ever see that are not worth working for free. So while I wonder if these angry responders have maybe a liiiittttlllle too much time on their hands, I still enjoy it when they post.
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