Sunday, December 27, 2015

Green Bay Baller

My family doesn't understand me, clearly. My sister received a Packers jersey for Christmas while I got regular clothing and makeup. Which may be one in a continuing series of hints to up my game (my own grandmother said I dressed dowdy). However, I will continue to ignore those hints and watch today's game in pjs as the good lord intended.  I've avoided being stylish for the first 32 years of my life, might as well continue the trend.

Luckily for everyone, we've clinched our playoff spot this year. This is a relief because we went from dominating at the beginning of the season to crawling towards the finish. Rodger's crazy Hail Mary pass notwithstanding.  We robbed ourselves out of a Super Bowl trip last year, with the help of the Seahawks, so I'm really hoping we can get it together this year rather than taking a nap mid game. I mean, the Vikings even won against us this pre-season.  The VIKINGS.

So, I will be enjoying a nice cold Packers beer while watching the Arizona game.  Where we will kick their ass, secure in the knowledge that it's a bonus win.

Edited to add:

Fuck that. That game was painful. We didn't necessarily NEED to win, but neither did we need to stink the place up. Worst game I've ever seen. I have PTSD from that game.

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